Well, if you haven't put away all your decorations and you just got your holiday photos printed, you might like to try this project today!
Isn't it cute? My friend Mary Leeson made this for me and I've been meaning to post a picture of it, as well as all the other awesome goodies she sent me during our Secret Sister Swap! I added little pictures and decided it was just the right size to hang on the tree. I love the idea of looking at past holiday memories as you trim the tree.
Mary made this by folding two sides of holiday paper toward the middle and letting them overlap. She sealed the overlap and then folded the whole piece in half, so that there were two pockets to put the cute tags. Eyelets hold it all together. I love it!
She also made me a larger version of this as an "All About Me" mini book with The Angel Company's Sands of Time Paper. Check out all the other TAC alterables and other goodies she sent me in the picture below and visit her blog to see the directions for that awesome box! Thanks again, Mary. I'm treasuring all the wonderful things you sent me!

Wow, you were really blessed!! I will be checking to see what you do with those little round tins.
So glad you were blessed, Julie! Thanks, again, for everything YOU did for me!!
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