Do you have a bazillion awesome, crafty blog posts in your Google Reader, that you want to browse, but there are so many that it feels like work? That's how I was feeling. One thousand posts in my Google reader. Seriously? Well, I was letting them pile up, like my laundry, because they took a lot of time to go through.
Well, if that's you too, than go--RUN!
Fast, Fun, Yay!
You can see all the photos in the post on one screen; click one to see it larger and if you want to read more of the text you can. (There is also a button to toggle from "magic" to "classic" layout.) To navigate the the next post, just click the > button or use your arrow keys. You can also set it to slideshow to advance between posts automatically and just stop it as needed.
When you first go there, it will give you a bunch of random stuff. But, if you go to your Google Reader and look at one of your feeds (or folders full of feeds) you can drop down the feed settings and choose View in Reader Play.
Please leave me a comment if you tried Play and you like it. I would love to hear from you!
PS- Just a note for those bloggers who have your feed settings on anything but full: Why? Don't you want to make it easy for people to read your blog? Don't you want them to see your pretty pictures? And about comments: turn off that captcha thing. If you're worried about robots, turn on comment moderation so you can savor and approve the love notes as they arrive. You'll probably get a lot more comments, and don't you just love comments?Sorry, had to add my two cents!