Today I'm working on my laundry room, which is the room we most often enter and exit the house. It's a perfect place to leave little reminders that we will see before heading out the door.
I found this chalk board at Target and I switched out the shamrocks for some Willoughby paper from The Angel Company. I also added some Post Its and a marker, attached with a paper-covered binder clip. It's for notes that needs to be brought along, like a phone number or directions. The wooden letter was on clearance in the baby section of Wal-Mart and I spray painted it espresso. The tags come in the paper pack and coordinating ribbons and hardware are available as well.
Willoughby Soar With It CollectionWilloughby Ribbon
Antique Copper Hardware
decoupage glue
binder clip
stamps and ink
I am not a naturally organized person, but I'm trying new things to add a little more sanity to my family life. The hooks in the photos below are part of what is referred to in one of my organizing books as a "launching and landing zone." So my library bag will hang here to remind me to grab it and go! The letters which are above hooks on the opposite wall are for my kids' names to hang things that would otherwise "land" on the floor. You'll also see my framed Wordle and kids' portraits that also got the espresso treatment. The You picture is one of my favorite pages of Katelyn that was in the Spring/Summer 2008 TAC Inspiration Book. I hope this inspires you to do some freestylin' around your house. Leave me a comment and a link to your favorite decoupage or freestyle project!