
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Valentine Treat Cone

This is a sweet and unique Valentine treat to try this year!  I originally got the idea from Martha Stewart's site, but she didn't have step-by-step instructions.  (Hopefully you will have better luck with my pictures ;)

1. Start with square paper (mine was 6"x6") and fold corner to corner in both directions, in half both directions, then push in two opposite corners, so that it looks like the photo.
2. Use an oval shape cutter or a heart shape that you have to make a heart pattern on the square with the folded point down.

 3. Cut the round portions of your heart shape, making sure that the folds are on the bottom.
 4. Push in the the inside valley folds so that it forms a cone or cup shape.
 (It's hard to hold it and take a picture!)
 5. Use some adhesive or a stapler to affix the center portion and add holes, if desired to hang a tag (or hang the treat up, like from a door knob or a coat hook.)
 Wouldn't a pile of these make a pretty centerpiece on a round table?
 Leave me a note if you try these out.  They are not as hard as they look, I promise!

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