
Friday, October 21, 2011

Simple and Spooky Halloween Party Drinks

 Bring these simple and fun drinks to your next Halloween or Pumpkin Carving Party!  Instructions and a printable download follow. First check out this inexpensive and kid friendly hostess gift!  Peel the label from an orange soda 2 liter bottle and add a simple pumpkin face with Contact paper.
 They sell some that has a blackboard finish, but I didn't have any and I'm super impatient, so I spray painted some that I had.  Just be careful when working with it, because the paint can fall off.
  I Googled B&W pumpkin faces on my phone and drew on the back of the paper. (I also cut a portion of the label I had peeled off and stuck it to the portion of the bottle where I couldn't get the sticky gunk off.  That will be the back and if they are curious about whether it was Sunkist or generic, they can check the back.  Generic is usually how I roll ;)
Last, I added a punched out leaf shape and some green curling ribbon.  This looks so cute and it only cost me about $1!
Next I did a project for the big people (but you could get orange or grape soda in the cartons for kids.  Just don't bring cartons of both to the same party.  Once they have labels, it's real easy to liquor up the kid down the street when he accidentally gets a Mike's Margarita instead of the lemon lime soda he was expecting.  TRUE STORY! {Sorry Ryan!}
  Add fun labels to the bottles.  (My favorites are "Truth Serum" and "Wart Tonic")
When the bottles are gone, you can use the carton as a utensil dispenser. (And it folds flat to store until next year. BRILLIANT!)

Here are some awesome places to get labels:

Kristine McKay' Spooky Labels

Or print your own drink carton label right here:
Carton Label on Scribd

If you are loving the drink carton idea, check out my summer version:


  1. You are so amazingly creative. I love the orange pop - it looks so simple particularly with your tips and hints!

  2. Such a great idea , but I can't seem to print your drink carton label. It doesn't come up.

  3. I think I fixed the Scribd link! Sorry about that! Jewels

  4. Love this! I love the face on the soda!!! Awesome idea!!

  5. Oh the possibilities! Mountain Dew Frankenstein, Sprite Witch, Root Beer Warewolf... :O


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