I've been asked often about a process I teach that makes using unmounted rubber stamps even easier to use. It's called indexing, and when done during the assembly of new rubber stamps, you can see the actual image printed on the Creative Cling through your acrylic block.
The supplies include
Kai or other sharp, sturdy scissors, Palette ink and your rubber stamp.
Palette works well because it is fast drying and waterproof.
Creative Cling, which comes with all stamps from The Angel Company(tm), has a sticky side, which adheres to the rubber, making a permanent cushion for the rubber image. The other side is a revolutionary surface like window cling, which allows you to mount the rubber stamp onto an acrylic block for stamping and remove for storage.
**UPDATE** See my
You Tube Tutorial here.
Here are the steps:

Determine the sticky and cling sides of the Creative Cling, but leave the paper backing in place. Position the rubber onto the cling with the sticky side laying against the back of the rubber (the way in which the stamp will eventually be assembled.) Match up one corner so that the rubber and cling line up as closely as possible and cut out a notch. This willl serve as a guide through the rest of the process.

Lay the rubber on the work suface and pat the inkpad on top of it to apply ink to all areas of the image. Remove the paper backing from the cling side of the foam. Using the notch as a guide, lay the foam onto the inked rubber, to transfer the image. Press lightly with your fingertips to be sure that the entire image gets transfered.

Carefully pull the foam back and clean the ink from the rubber. Allow the cling to dry for a few moments.

Peel back the liner on the sticky side half way, starting with the notched edge. Carefully line up the rubber with the foam as closely as possible, using the notch as a guide. Remove the remainder of the foam.

With the rubber side facing up, cut out the images, being sure to hold the scissors at a 90 degree angle with the rubber. This ensures that the gray foam remains behind the rubber surface as a foundation.
Your stamps are now ready to use and even easier to position (and read) as you stamp your projects!